Movie Poster Tagline Database

Search or browse our collection of 21,087 taglines for 13,650 films including almost every film going back to 2009.

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"Stop dreaming. Start living." - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

"Stop lagging and start living" - Laggies (2014)

"Stop on by and give afterlife a try." - Waxwork (1988)

"Stop peeping at me" - Hide and Seek (2013)

"Stories are wild creatures." - A Monster Calls (2016)

"Stories live forever. People don't." - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)

"Stories of love from the heart of the city" - Paris, Je T'aime (2007)

"Story of O... A shocking novel of sadomasochism. A worldwide literary sensation. Its author's identity hidden for 40 years." - Writer of O (2005)

"Storybrooke has frozen over." - Once Upon a Time (tv)

"Storytime is over." - Grimm (tv)

"Straight man. Gay plan. True story." - Chicks Dig Gay Guys (2013)

"Strange faces in a world of madness" - Dreamland (2020)

"Strange is relative" - Dark Shadows (2012)

"Stranger things happen for a reason" - The 9th Life of Louis Drax (2016)

"Strength defines us" - Stronger (2017)

"Strength to fight, courage to love" - Punch (2022)

"Strength. Friendship. Courage. Sometimes that's all you have." - And the Band Played On (1993)

"Strike three: you're dead." - Billy Club (2013)

"Strippers vs zombies" - Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! (2008)

"Strong roots grow in unlikely places" - The Kitchen (2023)

"Stronger. Faster. Better. You will be replaced." - Cloned: The Recreator Chronicles (2011)

"Students ar Harker are dying to bring classic horror to life" - Mimesis Nosferatu (2018)

"Stupdity loves company." - The Three Stooges (2012)

"Style is everything." - Dogtown and Z-Boys (2001)

"Style matters. Even when it comes to murder. Leave your expectations at the door." - Velvet Goldmine (1998)

"Stylish, selfish and broke. They lost everything and found each other. Love is more than dollars and sex." - The Object of Beauty (1991)

"Sub-zero hero" - Ice Age (2002)

"Sub-zero heroes. Licensed to chill." - Ice Age (2002)

"Subject: found" - Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)

"Suburbia can be a killer." - The Ice Cream Truck (2017)

"Success didn't go to his head, it went to his neighbor." - Envy (2004)

"Success hits hard" - Ballers (tv)

"Success is our only option" - American Promise (2013)

"Success isn't all it's stacked up to be." - Waffle Street (2016)

"Success makes you a target" - Speed Kills (2018)

"Success, scandal, sex, tragedy, infamy. And that's just the first reel..." - The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)

"Successful. sexy. Searching." - Being Mary Jane (tv)

"Sucks to be him" - Renfield (2023)

"Sucks to be queen." - Seize Them! (2024)

"Suddenly she could see into the future... and saw her own murder..." - The Psychic (1977)

"Sue Buttons has one killer story" - Breaking News in Yuba County (2021)

"Suffering is the soul of greatness." - Whiplash (2014)

"Suicide? Accident? Murder." - Mysterious Circumstance: The Death of Meriwether Lewis (2022)

"Suicide? Accident? Murder? Conspiracy?" - Mysterious Circumstance: The Death of Meriwether Lewis (2022)

"Summer 1983. A time to stand out from the crowd" - This is England (2007)

"Summer is a state of mind" - Summering (2022)

"Summer isn't just for kids" - Grown Ups 2 (2013)

"Sun's out. Guns out." - Welcome to Acapulco (2019)

"Sun, sea, sand... and her sister. Some holidays chage your life." - Day of the Flowers (2012)

"Sun, surf, and one psycho babe!" - Psycho Beach Party (2000)

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