2001 Internet Movie Poster Awards - Funniest Nominees
Corky Romano
Not often that you can get a good laugh simply over a face, but that is
definitely the case here. (Of course maybe it has something to do with
the fact that we keep hearing "you guys want some cookies?" whenever we
look at the poster. Perhaps. Regardless, as basic as this poster is, that
face cracks us up. |
Let's have a show of hands - how many people gave this poster a quick glance
and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary? Okay, so it's just a happy
face with a third eye, but there is something rather hilarious about that
simple fact. Add in the "Have a nice end of the world" tag line and you
have a pretty funny poster. (Maybe it's only funny to those people who
loved the happy face with a bullet hole t-shirts.) |
Monster's Inc.
How can you not look at this pathetic one-eyed creature gaping at you and
not crack up? So what exactly makes it so funny? Is it the eye, the mouth,
or those skinny dangling arms? You can't help but think that he is looking
out at you and thinking "what a strange creature!" |
Rat Race
Big heads on little bodies. So hilarious. Well, actually, it is. What could
have been just a simple "show all the faces" poster, becomes quite funny
by simply making their heads oversized. We can't explain why it's so funny.
It just is. |
Shallow Hal
Two things: the shadows, and the expression on Jack Black's face. What
more can you ask for? It even explains the entire basic plot with a simple
picture. |
and the winner is...