IMP Awards > 2009 Movie Poster Gallery > Key Art Awards

The winners for the 39th annual Key Art Awards have been announced. Here are the results, with the winners for each category displayed first, followed by the remaining nominees.

Theatrical Print - Action/Adventure Posters Rated PG-13 and Below

Theatrical Print - Action/Adventure Posters Rated R and Above

Theatrical Print - Animation Posters

Theatrical Print - Comedy Posters Rated PG-13 and Below

Theatrical Print - Comedy Posters Rated R and Above

Theatrical Print - Documentary Posters

Theatrical Print - Drama Posters Rated PG-13 and Below

Theatrical Print - Drama Posters Rated R and Above

Theatrical Print - Horror Posters

Theatrical Print - International Posters

Theatrical Print - Teaser Posters Rated PG-13 and Below

Theatrical Print - Teaser Posters Rated R and Above

Theatrical Print - Best Line

Theatrical Print - Electronic Print

Best in Show: Theatrical Print - Posters

Best in Show: Theatrical Print - Special Recognition

 Comments on the Poster

Chris_CSP06-11-2010 11:10 [E,W]
Some real surprises here. Couples Retreat? Seriously?

don deezy von weezy06-10-2010 16:21 [E,W]
what happened to the sandwich shop? slim on the noms...

meg06-12-2010 14:08 [E,W]
If originality was even a remote consideration how did I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF become nominated. Even if it is a 'nod' and not a 'ripoff' the idea was already done and isn't the point of these awards to honor ideas. Was ignition print heavily involved in the judging process. A few of their posters made the cut that really REALLY should not have...