Below, you will find all the nominees from each genre and the teaser categories along with any top picks (based on earlier voting) that did not get nominated. From these you can choose your picks for the best overall movie posters from 2023. Clicking on any of the thumbnails will display a larger image of the poster in the right hand pane. Double clicking on a thumbnail will add it to your list of the top 5 posters at the top of the page. (Double clicking a thumbnail in your list will remove it.) Once you've made your selections, click the Pass Judgment button to submit your picks. Feel free to include comments along with your choices.
You can also view the results without submitting your own picks.

Your top 5 picks (in no specific order)

Click on thumbnail to view larger. Double click to vote.

Internet Movie Poster Awards - One of the largest collections of movie poster images online.
Additional movie data provided by TMDb. Web hosting by