Turistas, Keeping Mum

[August 31, 2006 8:55pm]
From Bloody-Disgusting
comes the poster for Turistas. Also, from actuacine.net
comes the US poster for Keeping Mum. Looks like somebody put Swayze
in a corner.
Deliver Us From Evil, Little Children

[August 31, 2006 5:55pm]
From Lionsgate
comes the poster for the documentary Deliver Us From Evil. Also,
from film-releases.com
comes the one sheet for Little Children. [Thanks
to Will for passing it along.]
Jackass Number Two

[August 31, 2006 1:15pm]
From LatinoReview
comes the latest poster for Jackass: Number Two. At what point did
stupidity become so "cool"?
Children of Men, 49 Up

[August 31, 2006 11:55am]
From Creative
Partnership comes the UK quad for Children of Men. Also, from
Movie Trailers we have a small poster for the continuing British documentary
The Invisible, The Bridge, Accepted

[August 30, 2006 4:25pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the cool looking poster for The
Invisible from Cinempire.com.
Also, from Apple
Movie Trailers we have a small poster for the documentary The Bridge.
Finally, from uip.nl comes
a new poster for Accepted.
Stormbreaker, Revenge of the Nerds, Driftwood

[August 30, 2006 3:15am]
From Movie Jungle
comes a new poster for Stormbreaker. Now we must ask the all-important
question: What is the actual title of this film? Is it Stormbreaker,
Rider: Stormbreaker, or Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker?
Three different posters, three different titles. Also, MovieGoods
has a mini poster for the remake of Revenge of the Nerds. Finally,
from moviesonline.ca
comes the one sheet for Driftwood.
School for Scoundrels

[August 29, 2006 4:15am]
From Empire Movies
comes the second poster for School for Scoundrels. It's interesting
how the design makes it look as if the character is stepping out of the
The Departed Character Posters, Covenant

[August 28, 2006 11:15pm]
From filmz.ru comes
three character posters for The Departed. as well as a Russian poster
for The Covenant.
Texas Chainsaw, The Queen, Barley, Snakes, more...

[August 28, 2006 11:15pm]
From Bloody-Disgusting
and JoBlo we have the
latest poster for Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. From IONCinema
comes the second poster for The Queen. From Luis comes a couple
posters from Uruguay for The Wind That Shakes the Barley and Snakes
on a Plane. The Snakes poster is basically just a merging of
two of the earlier designs. Also thanks to Luis for passing along posters
for The Room and Blood Trails from moviesonline.ca.
Pan's Labyrinth, Thank You for Smoking

[August 27, 2006 3:45pm]
From DVDRama
comes a new French teaser for Pan's Labyrinth. Also, thanks to Ethan
for passing along another poster for Thank You for Smoking from
Journey to the End of the Night, Paris Je T'aime

[August 25, 2006 10:55pm]
From Millennium Films comes the teaser for Journey to the End of
the Night. Also, we have the poster for Paris, Je T'aime featuring
a heart made from hundreds of red Eiffel Towers
Everything's Gone Green, Clause 3, Jackass 2

[August 25, 2006 2:05pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the great poster for Everything's
Gone Green from Cinempire.com
and the film's official
site. Also, from movieposter.com
we have new posters for The Santa Clause 3 and Jackass Number
The Return, Haven, Children of Men, Princesas, Room

[August 24, 2006 5:25pm]
From JoBlo comes
new posters for The Return and Haven. [Thanks
to Luis and Will for the heads up.] From blackfilm.com
comes a new poster for Children of Men. Also, we have poster images
for Princesas and Room. A creepy image for The Return
but some earlier
artwork was even creepier with the hand looking like it was pushing
outwards against the eyeball.
Broken Bridges, Unaccompanied Minors

[August 24, 2006 5:25pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along new posters for Broken Bridges[Movie
Jungle] and Unaccompanied Minors [AICN].
You know cross promotions are getting a little strange when we find a Built
Ford Tough" logo on the Toby Keith poster. Meanwhile, is it possible to
have made the kids on the Minors poster look any more annoying?
If the characters are all supposed to be annoying brats, then the poster
has done its job, otherwise it is just needlessly irritating.
Infamous, Zen Noir, Sleeping Dogs, The Hoax, Old Joy

[August 23, 2006 3:45am]
From Apple
Movie Trailers we have small posters for Infamous, Zen Noir,
Dogs Lie, The Hoax, and Old Joy.
Stranger Than Fiction, Int'l Monster House

[August 23, 2006 3:45am]
It's not very big but we have a look at the new poster for Stranger
Than Fiction. Also, although the movie has come and gone in the US,
here are three Korean character posters for Monster House from CineCine.
Bridge to Terabithia, Life After Tomorrow, Int'l Prada

[August 23, 2006 1:25am]
From AOL
Moviefone comes the poster for Bridge to Terabithia. [Thanks
to kinoguru.com for
the heads up.] Thanks to Luis for passing along the posters
for Life After Tomorrow and the French poster for The Devil Wears
Prada from actuacine.net.
Gone, Employee of the Month, Gamers, Crank

[August 21, 2006 5:45pm]
First of all we have the one sheet for Gone. Next, from film-releases.com
comes the latest poster for Employee of the Month. [Thanks
to Will for the heads up.] Finally, thanks to Julian for
passing along the poster for Gamers as well as a German poster for
Jimmy and Judy

[August 20, 2006 7:25pm]
From IONCinema
comes two posters for Jimmy and Judy with the first one looking
like it would've been used for festivals and the second one the official
theatrical poster. [Thanks to Luis
for the heads up.]
Recognizing Saints, Fearless, Eragon

[August 20, 2006 5:05pm]
From WorstPreviews
comes the one sheet for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints. Also,
from Nordisk Film
we have the Scandinavian poster for Jet Li's Fearless. Finally,
from eBay
comes a low quality shot of the latest poster for Eragon. Similar
to the earlier version but with a different background, a flying dragon,
and a slightly different sword. [Thanks
to M&C
Movies for the heads up.]
Black Snake Moan

[August 19, 2006 7:05pm]
comes two new posters for Black Snake Moan starring Samuel L. Jackson,
Christina Ricci, and Justin Timberlake. Somewhat reminiscent of the original
Fiction poster. [Thanks to Dioxholster
for the heads up.]
The Illusionist

[August 19, 2006 4:45pm]
From Yari Film Group comes
the very interesting outdoor poster for The Illusionist. Not very
often that the title and credits for the poster are such an integral part
of the actual design.
Int'l World Trade Center, The Prestige

[August 18, 2006 8:15pm]
From M&C
Movies comes the German poster for World Trade Center. [Thanks
to Roy for the heads up.] Also, from AICN
we have the one sheet for The Prestige.
Haven, Snakes Safety Instructions, Jackass 2

[August 18, 2006 7:15pm]
Thanks to big_red737 for passing along four new posters from movieposter.com.
First of all we have the oe sheet for Haven. Next we have a rather
hilarious "safety instructions" poster for what to do in the event that
you encounter Snakes on a Plane. Finally, the stupidity continues
with two "don't try this at home" posters for Jackass Number Two.
also like to thank moviepicturefilm.com
for first letting us know about the Snakes on a Plane poster.]
Saw III, The Abandoned, Int'l Cars

[August 18, 2006 12:55pm]
From AOL
Moviefone comes the fifth and final blood drive poster for Saw III.
Thanks to Luis for passing along the poster for The Abandoned from Bloody-Disgusting.
Also, thanks to John for passing along the German poster for Cars
from Upcoming
Saw III, Little Miss Sunshine

[August 17, 2006 7:55pm]
From AOL
Moviefone comes yet another of the blood drive posters for Saw III.
Also, thanks to 'Tonsofwool' for the UK quad for Little Miss Sunshine.
Int'l District B-13, Thank You For Smoking

[August 17, 2006 11:55am]
From CineCine
comes a Korean poster for District B-13. Also, although it's already
come and gone int he theaters, thanks to 'Tonsofwool' for passing along
a UK poster for Thank You for Smoking.
Hollywoodland, Jesus Camp, Not Yet Rated, Snow Cake

[August 17, 2006 11:15am]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the latest poster for Hollywoodland
from CinemaBlend.
From Movie Jungle,
comes the rather frightening looking one sheet for the documentary Jesus
Camp. Next, for those of you who complained that the first poster for
Film is Not Yet Rated was misogynistic, you can now check out the second
poster, featuring a nude branded man. Finally, from Momentum
Pictures we have a small look at the UK quad for Snow Cake.
Children of Men, The Flock

[August 17, 2006 3:00am]
From uip.nl comes
two small poster images for Children of Men. [Thanks
to Bas for the heads up.] Also, thanks to Mohammed for passing
along the small international teaser image for The Flock from Bauer
Martinez Studios.
The Departed

[August 16, 2006 6:10pm]
From JoBlo, ComingSoon.net
, and SneakPoint.nl
comes the poster for Martin Scorcese's The Departed. [Thanks
to Will and Luis for the heads up.]
Saw III, Ma Fille Mon Ange, Night With the King

[August 16, 2006 1:40pm]
From AOL
Moviefone comes another of the Saw III Blood Drive posters.
Also, we have three posters for the French Canadian film Ma Fille, Mon
Ange. Finally, we have the poster for One Night With the King.
Aurora Borealis, Macbeth, 13

[August 16, 2006 2:40am]
From Regent
Releasing comes the new poster for Aurora Borealis. This version
is subtly diferent from the film festival version which we added last year.
Also, we have the new poster for Macbeth as well as the Cannes market
poster for 13 starring Stephen Dorff.
Saw III Blood Drive, Black Dahlia

[August 15, 2006 5:00pm]
Remember the Saw II poster with
the scary / sexy nurse wanting you to "give 'til it hurts" for the blood
drive? Well, thanks to AOL
Moviefone you can check out some more nurses wanting you to donate
to this year's Saw III Annual Halloween Blood Drive. Over the next three
days, they are supposed to be debuting three additional posters. [Thanks
to Jerry for the heads up.] Also, from Ecran
Large comes a French poster for screening of The Black Dahlia
at The Venice Film Festival.
Manufactured Landscapes, Into Great Silence

[August 15, 2006 2:45am]
From Strano
and Pettigrew come their designs for Manufactured Landscapes
and Into Great Silence.
Like Minds, Marigold, Unfolding Florence

[August 15, 2006 2:45am]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the Australian poster for Like
Minds as well as Marigold. Also, we have the new poster for
the Unfolding Florence: The Many Lives of Florence Broadhurst.
Int'l Lady, Journals of Knud Rasmussen

[August 14, 2006 4:45am]
From kino-govno.com
comes three great Russian posters for The Lady in the Water. Quite
a contrast from the posters for the US release. Also, thanks to Luis for
passing along the poster for the Canadian film The Journals of Knud
Idlewild, Black Dahlia, The Aura

[August 14, 2006 4:45am]
From blackfilm.com
comes two low quality images of the new posters for Idlewild. Next,
from moviesonline.ca
and filmz.ru we have
two new posters for The Black Dahlia. [Thanks
to Luis for the heads up.] Finally, thanks to Jacobo for
passing along the Mexican poster for The Aura which has a US release
this September.
DOA: Dead or Alive

[August 11, 2006 1:45pm]
From movie-infos.net
comes six German posters for DOA: Dead or Alive. [Thanks
to Mike Markus for passing them along.]
Int'l Open Season, The Queen, Barley

[August 11, 2006 1:45pm]
Thanks to Mike Markus for passing along French and German posters for
Season from allocine.fr
and movie-infos.net.
The French poster is one of the cutest of the bunch so far, with the bear
and his friends removing all the signs. Also, thanks to Luis for sending
along the French posters for The Queen [from
de Cine] and Ken Loach's The Wind That Shakes the
Barley[from Cinempire.com].
A good design for The Queen with the giant portrait of Princess
Diana looming over Helen Mirren.
Mozart and the Whale

[August 10, 2006 9:15pm]
Thanks to Jon for passing along the poster for Mozart & the
Whale from filmbyen.net.
I Trust You to Kill Me

[August 10, 2006 1:15am]
From Gravillis
Inc. comes the poster for the oddly titled documentary I Trust You
to Kill Me "reluctantly starring" Keifer Sutherland.
Int'l John Tucker Must Die, Casino Royale

[August 9, 2006 9:55pm]
From moviezine.se
comes the Swedish poster for John Tucker Must Die. Also, thanks
to Jason for passing along a Japanese flyer for Casino Royale from
School for Scoundrels, God Spoke, Appreciation

[August 9, 2006 12:05pm]
From moviesonline.ca
comes the one sheet for School for Scoundrels. A peculiar case where
the tag line takes up more space than the actors on the poster. Billy Bob
Thornton looks like a psychotic version of Phil Keoghan from The Amazing
Race. From CHUD.com
comes the poster for Al Franken: God Spoke. Finally, from CountingDown.com,
we have the poster for Mutual Appreciation. You know it's not a
mainstream film when one of the critical blurbs includes "a veritable sculptor
of dead air". [Thanks to Luis for all
the updates.]
The Ground Truth

[August 9, 2006 4:35am]
From CountingDown.com
comes the poster for the documentary The Ground Truth.
300, Feast, Pan's Labyrinth

[August 9, 2006 2:55am]
A rather gruesome collection of posters here. First of all, from CountingDown.com
come three teaser posters for 300. Next, from Bloody-Disgusting
comes the one sheet for Feast. Just fix that woman's hair and file
down that creature's teeth a little and you'd have the poster for a grand
romance. Then, from the official
site we have two very creepy posters for Pan's Labyrinth. [Thanks
to Mike Markus for passing them along.]
Wicker Man, Alatriste, Last King of Scotland

[August 9, 2006 2:55am]
From M&C
Movies comes the UK quad for The Wicker Man. Thanks to Luis
for passing along the Spanish poster for Alatriste and thanks to
Will for sending us the one sheet for The Last King of Scotland.
Laura Smiles, Romulus My Father, Black Book

[August 9, 2006 2:55am]
From Will comes the poster for Laura Smiles. A great tag line:
"She lives in the present... she loves in the past." Thanks to Luis for
sending along the poster for Romulus, My Father. Finally, from MovieMeter.nl
comes the new international poster for Paul Verhoeven's Black Book
- aka Zwartboek.
Talladega, Pathfinder, Cross, My Country, 39

[August 7, 2006 12:45am]
Thanks to Luis for passing along an international poster for Talladega
Nights. Also, we have the international poster for Pathfinder
as well as one sheets for Color of the Cross and My Country,
My Country. Finally, from Bloody-Disgusting
comes the poster for 39: A Film by Carroll McKane.
Grind House, Surf's Up

[August 7, 2006 12:45am]
Although low quality images have been kicking around for a while, Troublemaker
Studios has unveiled high quality images for three teaser posters for
Terror and Death Proof, the two films within Grind House
- directed by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. These limited edition
posters were available at this year's Comic-Con. [Thanks
to EchoA and Luis for the heads up.] Finally, from WorstPreviews
comes the one sheet for Surf's Up.
Wicker Man, Black Dahlia, Dreamland, Snakes, Fingers

[August 2, 2006 11:55pm]
comes another international one sheet for The Wicker Man. From Millenium
Films comes another poster for The Black Dahlia. Personally,
I prefer the previous version. We have the unfortunate (but inevitable)
addition of all the stars but, more importantly, the image of the woman
is not nearly as creepy in this version. From Pretty
Pictures comes a high res version of the Dreamland poster. Finally,
from JUDÃO
comes the Brazilian poster for Snakes on a Plane. Pretty similar
to one of the earlier versions except that the head shot for the woman
beside Samuel L. Jackson is different and it uses a cool snake for the
S in the title. Finally we have the Italian poster for Five Fingers.
to Luis for numerous updates.]
Flags of our Fathers, Black Dahlia

[August 2, 2006 12:45pm]
From USAToday
and actuacine.net
we have a look at the artwork for Clint Eastwood's latest film Flags
of Our Fathers. Also, from IGN
FilmForce comes the new eerie one sheet for Black Dahlia. [Thanks
to Luis for passing them along.]
Employee of the Month

[August 1, 2006 2:25am]
From Cinempire.com
comes the latest poster for Employee of the Month. A nice improvement
over the earlier character posters. This one at least has a little humor
to it instead of just a couple scary looking guys with attitude and Jessica
being Jessica.
Evil Aliens, Secret Codes, Treatment, Mayhem

[August 1, 2006 2:25am]
From Magic
Lamp Releasing comes the poster for Evil Aliens. Also, we have
the international posters for Secrets of the Code and The Treatment.
Finally, from icon.com.au
comes the one sheet for the Australian film Suburban Mayhem.