Be Kind Rewind, First Sunday, Hannah Montana

[November 30, 2007 3:25pm]
Thanks to Will for passing along the poster for Be Kind Rewind.
Also, from Wild
About Movies we have the posters for First Sunday and Hannah
Montana / Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert. But is it really
the "most anticipated movie event ever captured in Disney Digital 3-D"?
I Am Legend

[November 30, 2007 3:25pm]
Thanks to OWD for sending
along a bunch of theatrical banners for I Am Legend. There are ten
in total, featuring various destroyed cities around the world.
P.S. I Love You

[November 29, 2007 10:05pm]
Thanks to N. Bickerstaff for sending along the UK quad for P.S.
I Love You.
City of Men, Lust / Caution

[November 29, 2007 3:25pm]
for passing along the poster for City of Men. Also, thanks to Luis
for sending us the Spanish poster for Lust / Caution from carteles
de cine.
Paranoid Park, 4 Months

[November 24, 2007 7:25pm]
From AllCity
comes their UK quad designs for Paranoid Park and 4 Months, 3
Weeks & 2 Days.
FirstShowing Poster Contest

external link opens in new window
[November 24, 2007 7:25pm]
The folks over at
are having a poster giveaway featuring 10 Iron Man, 10 Cloverfield,
and 5 Wall-E posters. Check out their site to see how you can have
a chance to get one.
Cloverfield, Cholera, Cocaine Cowboys

[November 22, 2007 1:25pm]
Thanks to Iain and CanMag
for passing along the new poster for Cloverfield. The same basic
design as the first poster but now we know the title of the film. Thanks
to Luis for sending us the French poster for Love in the Time of Cholera
from CinEmpire.
Finally, we have two new quads for Cocaine Cowboys, which is just
receiving a UK release.

[November 22, 2007 1:25pm]
for sending us four additional posters for Look, each featuring
a different image in the lens. They still have the same typos as the first
poster though.
French Charlie Wilson's War

[November 21, 2007 3:25pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along the French poster for Charlie Wilson's
War from CinEmpire.
Great Debaters, The Walker, Nanking, Sweeney Todd

[November 20, 2007 9:45am]
From Cinematical
comes the poster for the Denzel Washington directed film The Great Debaters.
to Mike Markus for the heads up.] Also, from THINKFilm
comes new posters for The Walker and Nanking. Next, thanks
to wannipa for two creepy new character banners for Sweeney Todd.
Teeth, Steep, Spiderwick Chronicles, Int'l Darjeeling

[November 20, 2007 9:45am]
Thanks to,
and Matt for the latest one sheet for Teeth. Next, from IONCINEMA
comes the poster for Steep. Thanks to Mike Markus for passing along
the new poster for The Spiderwick Chronicles and thanks to Luis
for sending us the international poster for The Darjeeling Limited
from carteles
de cine.
Charlie Wilson's War, Harold and Kumar 2

[November 20, 2007 9:45am]
Better late than never, we are finally adding the one sheets
for Charlie Wilson's War and Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo
Bay. We kept waiting to find proper versions of the posters (without
watermarks covering up the credits) and waited far too long. So, old news
for most people, but here they are at least. Sorry for the wait.
More TV Posters

[November 20, 2007 9:45am]
Four new posters from the Fall 2007 ABC season: Dancing With the
Stars, Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Cavemen,
and Carpoolers. Also, thanks to Steven for passing along more posters
for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
How She Move, TV Posters

[November 17, 2007 10:45am]
From Monsters
and Critics comes the latest one sheet for How She Move. Also,
we wanted to highlight a couple new TV posters for The Sarah Connor
Chronicles and the new season of Nip / Tuck.
Business of Being Born, Wall-E, 4 Months, Mad Money

[November 16, 2007 11:55pm]
From International
Film Circuit comes the one sheet for the documentary The Business
of Being Born. Next, from IGN
Movies comes a new poster for Wall-E.
to Mike Markus and Iain for the heads up.] Also, from IFC
Films comes the latest poster for 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days.
Finally, thanks to IONCINEMA
for the one sheet for Mad Money. Does anyone else find this poster
rather irritating - especially the expression on Latifah's face? I guess
I've just never been into money-worshipping.
Sweeney, Fool's Gold, Look, Int'l Chipmunks, Rush

[November 16, 2007 11:55pm]
Thanks to Luis for passing along two new Sweeney Todd posters from
Next, thanks to Mike Markus for passing along new posters for Fool's
Gold and
Look from Cinematical.
The one for Look is hopefully not the final version, since optical
is misspelled. Also, thanks to Mike Markus for sending us another international
poster for Alvin and the Chipmunks from
Finally, thanks to Luis for sending us another Spanish poster for August
Rush from carteles
de cine.
Get Smart

[November 15, 2007 9:45am]
From Cinematical
comes the funny teaser poster for Get Smart. Love those threads!
to Mike Markus for the heads up.]
Made of Honor, Atonement, Counterfeiters, Contest

[November 15, 2007 12:45am]
From Cinematical
comes the one sheet for Made of Honor. Next, thanks to CanMag
for sending us three new posters for Atonement. Also, you can check
out their poster
contest where they are giving away an autographed copy of the poster
for No Country For Old Men. Finally, thanks to IONCINEMA
for passing along the US one sheet for The Counterfeiters.
Mama's Boy, Revolver, Veggie Pirates, Rambo

[November 14, 2007 11:55am]
Thanks to 'movie lover' for passing along the poster for Mama's
Boy. Next, thanks to worstpreviews,
and CanMag for passing
along the new poster for Revolver, which is finally getting a US
release. Also, from worstpreviews
comes the one sheet for the latest VeggieTales movie: The Pirates Who
Don't Do Anything. [Thanks to Iain
for the heads up.] Finally, from
comes the latest poster for Rambo.
Kit Kittredge, Chansons D'Amour

[November 13, 2007 10:15am]
From MovieJungle
comes the new poster for Kit Kittredge: An American Girl. Also,
from AllCity
we have the UK quad for the French film Les Chansons D'Amour.
Strange Wilderness

[November 12, 2007 10:15pm]
Thanks to Chris for sending along the new poster for Strange Wilderness
from Yahoo! Movies.
The Rage, Int'l Chipmunks, Golden Compass

[November 12, 2007 10:15pm]
From Dread Central
comes the poster for The Rage. Also, from
comes a French poster for Alvin and the Chipmunks. Finally, thanks
to Laurent for passing along some more posters for The Golden Compass.
A Korean poster for from
and some French posters from
War Dance, Crazy Eights, The Sasquatch Gang

[November 9, 2007 7:15pm]
First, we have the poster for War Dance, which opens today.
Next, from Dread
Central comes the disturbing poster for Crazy Eights. Finally,
from IONCINEMA comes
the one sheet for The Sasquatch Gang.
I'm Not There

[November 8, 2007 9:45pm]
From Yahoo Movies
comes four character posters for I'm Not There featuring Christian
Bale, Heath Ledger, Cate Blanchett (already featured in the previous poster),
and Richard Gere, all portraying Bob Dylan.
The Eye

[November 8, 2007 8:15pm]
From Cinematicalcomes
the creepy one sheet for The Eye.
Awake, Beowulf, Mongol, Rambo, Sweeney Todd

[November 8, 2007 1:35am]
and Cinematical
comes the one sheet for Awake. [Thanks
to Emanuel and Mike Markus.] Next, we have three new international
banners for Beowulf as well as the teaser poster for Mongol.
Also, we have the graffiti inspired outdoor poster for Rambo. Finally,
thanks to Eli for passing along the low res shot of the new mini poster
for Sweeney Todd from AwardsDaily.
to for providing
a better version.]
Borderland, Int'l Earth, RE:3, Mighty Heart, Terabithia

[November 6, 2007 11:55pm]
From Bloody-Disgusting
comes the latest poster for Borderland. Also, thanks to big_red737
for sending along a bunch of Japanese poster images including Earth,
Evil: Extinction, A Mighty Heart, and Bridge to Terabithia.
AVP2, Beowulf, Wristcutters, Earth, Orphanage

[November 6, 2007 10:35am]
Thanks to Mike Markus for passing along the international one sheet
for Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Also, Thanks to Iain for the final
poster for Beowulf. Next, from AllCity
we have their UK quads for Wristcutters: A Love Story and the documentary
Finally, thanks to Juan for sending us another Spanish poster for The
Jumper, Int'l August Rush

[November 2, 2007 1:55pm]
Thanks to Mike Markus for passing along the poster for Jumper
from JoBlo. Also, from
de cine comes the German poster for August Rush.
Tooth & Nail, Orphanage, Roscoe Jenkins, WWJB?

[November 2, 2007 1:25pm]
From Dread Central
comes the poster for Tooth and Nail. Also, thanks to Luis for passing
along the English one sheet for The Orphanage from Cinematical.
comes the poster for Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins. Finally, thanks
to Matthew for sending us a small image for a second poster for What
Would Jesus Buy?
AVP2, Borderland, Unearthed, WWJB?

[November 1, 2007 11:25pm]
From The
Hollywood News come two new international teasers for Aliens vs.
Predator: Requiem. [Thanks to Matt
for the heads up.] Next, from Bloody-Disgusting
come new posters for Borderland and Unearthed. Finally, thanks
to another Matt for sending us the poster for the documentary What Would
Jesus Buy?.
Golden Compass Character Banners

[November 1, 2007 11:25pm]
comes a whole bunch of character banners for The Golden Compass.