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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Under the Bed

From come four new banners for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey [Thanks to Mike Markus] A bit of a mixed bag here. The banner featuring Gandalf and Galadriel is quite wonderful, but the rest? The wargs seem too hand-drawn, a few too many of the dinner guests seem pasted in, and what on Middle-Earth is going on in the background of the first banner? Gandalf appears to be dragging Bilbo with a noose around his neck, one dwarf appears to be taking a leak, another breaking wind, another standing for the national anthem, while yet another appears to be de-groining his comrade with a hockey stick! A very unexpected journey indeed. Also, from Bloody-Disgusting comes a teaser poster for Under the Bed. [Thanks to Jason for the heads up.]